The following is an overview of online instruction options as needed. The District uses Google Meet (video conferencing) and Zoom for Education (video streaming and recording lessons). We have carefully reviewed our agreement with both providers to ensure that its practices comply with FERPA privacy rules, in that it has data encryption and other privacy controls that protect stored data and prevent disclosure to unauthorized parties. The District uses best practices to promote security and privacy, limiting access to video-streamed lessons to students in the class using protections like private meeting links, passwords, and waiting rooms.
Video Conferencing Expectations
The Board of Education’s policies and student behavior standards will still apply when a student receives instruction by video or other remote means. In the event of inappropriate conduct during a video conferencing session, the teacher may end the session prior to its scheduled completion.
Parents/ guardians should be mindful of family activities that may potentially be heard/seen during the students’ use of video conferencing. Students will need a level of privacy to concentrate on their work, yet enough supervision and monitoring online.
Persons other than the student should not watch video-streamed classes unless a parent’s assistance during the lesson is essential due to a student’s needs.
Failure to abide by these expectations and other student behavior standards will subject the student to disciplinary measures in the same manner as if the conduct took place at school.
Students must use their proper name to be admitted to classes; do not use an alternative name.
After the teacher has ended the class, students must completely log out of any video-streamed lesson.
Students are expected to be visible in video conferences unless they make other arrangements with their teacher. They should communicate with their teacher if their connection is unstable.
Students should keep their microphones muted at appropriate times. They may use the hand-raising and chat features to ask to speak.
Students are expected to present an appearance that does not disrupt the educational process or interfere with maintaining a positive teaching/learning climate.
Recording Instruction
We may record non-confidential live instruction sessions and post them for a short window of time. These recordings may support students who could not attend class on a given day and give all students the ability to go back and review the lesson. Teachers will not be recording small groups or individual student support times.
Recordings of live instruction sessions will not be publicly available. They will only be shared within Seesaw or Schoology, a similar section of the same class, or the AHSD25 Google Domain. Access will require a network account. Under no circumstances should these recordings be downloaded or redistributed in any format.
Students and parents/guardians must refrain from making audio and/or video recordings of video streamed or recorded lessons and from taking photographs of students participating in such instruction without the express permission of the teacher or a school administrator. If you receive such recordings or photographs from a source other than the District, delete them and do not post or forward them.
Please be aware that you may be able to view other students and the homes of students. Students may enter and exit classroom sessions as special services are provided. Specialized staff members may enter and exit classroom sessions or conduct break-out sessions to deliver related services to students who receive special education. Student confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.
Similarly, visitors to virtual classrooms will be treated like visitors to regular classrooms. Accordingly, members of a student's household that may incidentally see parts of video streamed or recorded lessons do not implicate the privacy rights of other students. However, because visitors can be a significant distraction, especially during video-streamed lessons, any such observation or interaction must be kept to a minimum and must comply with all directives from the teacher and school administrators. If a parent/guardian seeks to do a formal observation or have a private provider, do an observation of a video streamed or recorded lesson, the parent/guardian must contact the school principal to make arrangements.
No education technology is 100% safe and secure. The District works diligently to provide the best resources for teachers and families and to secure robust data privacy protections that comply with relevant laws and safeguard student information.