Section 5 | Personnel
General Personnel
5:10 - Equal Employment Opportunity and Recruitment of Underrepresented Individuals
5:20 - Workplace Harassment Prohibited
5:20 E - Resolution to Prohibit Sexual Harassment
5:30 - Hiring Process and Criteria
5:35 - Compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act
5:40 - Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease
5:50 - Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workplace; E-Cigarette, Tobacco, and Cannabis Prohibition
5:60 E1 - Employee Expense Reimbursement Form
5:60 E2 - Employee Estimated Expense Approval Form
5:90 - Abused and Neglected Child Reporting
5:100 - Staff Development Program
5:110 - Recognition for Service
5:120 - Employee Ethics; Conduct; and Conflict of Interest
5:125 - Personal Technology and Social Media; Usage and Conduct
5:130 - Responsibilities Concerning Internal Information
5:140 - Solicitations By or From Staff
5:160 - OPEN
5:180 - Temporary Illness or Temporary Incapacity
5:185 - Family and Medical Leave
Certificated Personnel
5:190 - Teacher Qualifications
5:200 - Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal
5:230 - Maintaining Student Discipline
Educational Support Personnel
5:270 - Employment At-Will, Compensation, and Assignment
5:280 - Duties and Qualifications
5:285 - Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers
5:290 - Employment Termination and Suspensions