Social Emotional Supports

  • The following are the social emotional supports and education that the District offers to its community.



    The federal government’s Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs recently compiled a list of resources to help children, families, educators, and community members cope after traumatic events. Click HERE



    The adolescent years are marked by a roller-coaster ride of emotions. It can be difficult to tell the difference between the typical teenager emotions and the severity of teen depression. Depression may lead to an increased risk of self harm or suicide. We are here to help. 

    Ann Marie’s Law, enacted in 2015 following the death in 2013 of Ann Marie Blaha, was created to provide suicide awareness and prevention for Illinois school students and school staff. The law, Public Act 99-0443, requires school districts to adopt a suicide prevention policy and procedures. 

    Our Arlington Heights School District 25 teams have participated in numerous training sessions regarding risk assessments, the Signs of Suicide (SOS) program and support.  The SOS program is on SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices and is provided by Elyssa’s Mission, a nonprofit organization dedicated to suicide prevention, which is the only organization in the State of Illinois to fund, distribute and implement SOS. The SOS program showed a reduction in self-reported suicide attempts by 40-64% in randomized control studies (Aseltine et al., 2007 & Schilling et al., 2016).

    To get more information on suicide prevention, visit:

    Elyssa's Mission

    Suicide Prevention Resource Center

    Erika’s Lighthouse



    Illinois Public Act 097-­1147, requires public schools to provide child sexual abuse prevention education for children from early childhood through twelfth grade. District 25 began providing instruction in compliance with Erin’s Law during the 2015­-16 school year. Age­ appropriate research-based instruction helps students recognize unsafe situations, keep themselves safe, and understand how to respond to unsafe situations. Arlington Heights School District 25 team members provide each grade level age -appropriate information on topics such as: safe versus unsafe touching, the touching rule, secrets, and reporting. In middle school, the focus will shift to safe dating and self-advocacy.

    Parents have the right to opt their child out of participating in the annual child abuse prevention presentation by completing a new form each year and submitting it to their Building Principal. 

    Parent Information | Resources 

    Opt Out Form English

    Opt Out Form Spanish



    Bullying is defined as unwanted, intentional, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is severe, pervasive, and often repeated, or has the potential to be repeated over time. Teasing, peer conflicts, arguments, isolated incidents of name-calling, or expressing opinions are not bullying. Bullying may be reported orally, in writing, or anonymously by the bullying target, witness, or other person with information about an incident of bullying. You may report a complaint to any building administrator or Diane Kaffka, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services,  or submit a Bullying Report Form.

    Additional resources on bullying prevention:

    Bullying Prevention: Tips for Teachers, Principals, & Parents

    Not In Our Town and Not In Our School Resources

    PACER Center's Kids Against Bullying (English) (Spanish)



    Youth suicide impacts the safety of the school environment. It also affects the school community, diminishing the ability of surviving students to learn and the school’s ability to educate. Suicide and depression awareness and prevention are important. District 25 addresses suicide and depression awareness in conjunction with Board of Education Policy 7:290 Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention to provide 6th, 7th and 8th grade students, parents/guardians and employees with practices and procedures for early identification and referral of students possibly at risk of suicide.

    The following are local and national resources committed to supporting child safety: