• All Learning in District 25

    The Illinois Learning Standards for all students are designed to give districts specific concepts and expectations for student learning at each grade level throughout their time with us in kindergarten through eighth grade. Each district, however, is tasked with designing how those concepts and expectations are taught, the length of time to spend on each, and the degree of rigor they represent when considering the makeup of a particular school district.

    Thus, the curriculum in a high-performing district like Arlington Heights 25 should look different from another district where most students perform at a different level. We may teach the same main concepts, yet the depth, time spent on them, and expectation level may differ. We also design the curriculum to meet a range of learning abilities, and teachers can adjust instruction to meet students’ varying needs. Again, due to the high performance of students across District 25, our core curriculum is already designed at a high level to meet the needs of our students.

    Districts also design programs and services for students whose needs would be best met in an alternate curriculum. Typically, a small portion of students who experience the core curriculum as either too challenging or not challenging enough need this alternate curriculum. For students in District 25 who demonstrate a need for more advanced learning opportunities, we have a continuum of services listed below. If parents believe one of these services would best meet their child’s needs, we encourage them to contact their child’s classroom teacher for discussion.

  • Advanced Learning Tier 2 Enrichment

  • Differentiated Instruction in District 25

  • Advanced Math in District 25

  • Advanced Language Arts in District 25

  • Early Entrance | Kindergarten & First Grade

  • Students New to District 25

  • Single-Subject Acceleration

  • Whole-Grade Acceleration