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Physical Education is provided for all students in AHSD25 starting in Kindergarten and continuing through their 8th grade year. The overall aim of Physical Education in AHSD25 is to develop students' fundamental movement skills within a variety of developmentally appropriate game, dance, and gymnastic activities. The program will also enhance students' personal fitness and provides them with the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in a variety of physical activities. The program also aims to develop students' personal and social responsibility, self-management skills, and problem solving-skills. The overall goal of this program is to enhance students' disposition toward leading a physically active lifestyle.
In addition to Physical Education, students also engage in Health education programming. 5th and 8th grade students learn about sexual health through programs lead by Candor Health Education specialists. In middle school, students engage in a Health class that focuses on nutrition, drug and alcohol awareness, personal and social responsibility, and self-management skills.
Illinois State Standards on Physical Development & Health outline learning in the following areas: movement skills; physical fitness; team-building; health promotion, prevention, and treatment; human body systems; and communications and decision-making. The Illinois Learning Standards for Physical Development and Health were developed using National Standards for Physical Education, National Health Education Standards, the 1985 State Goals for Physical Development and Health, and other states' standards and local outcomes from Illinois school districts.
Katie Paulson
Program Coordinator
State Learning Standards on Physical Development & Health
Healthy Fitness Zone Standards Overview
All Kindergarten through 5th grade students experience Physical Education classes. Kindergarten students attend one 30 minute P.E. class each week. Students in grades 1-5 attend two 30 minute P.E. classes each week. Students participate in a variety of developmentally appropriate games and sports throughout the year with a focus on skill development, teamwork, and physical fitness. Elementary P.E. teachers also incorporate learning experiences to develop students’ understanding of nutrition, body systems, conflict resolution, and decision making.
Students in Kindergarten will be working towards the following report card standards over time as they develop the skills listed:
1) Demonstrates spatial awareness and knowledge of safety rules..
I can run with my eyes facing up and forward.
2) Demonstrates control when performing motor skills.
I can show how to hold a ball when I roll it.
I can show how to roll a ball.
I can show how to throw a ball.
I can show how to hop.
I can show how to shuffle.
I can show how to skip.
I can show how to gallop.
I can show how to jump and land.
I can show what balance is.
3) Participates in physical activity to improve or maintain health-related fitness.
I can show how to get my heart rate up with activity.
I can show how to tell if my heart is beating faster.
I can identify that my heart beats faster when I am active.
I can identify that my body gets warmer when I am active.
I can identify that my breathing gets faster when I am active.
1st Grade
Students in 1st grade will be working towards the following report card standards over time as they develop the skills listed:
1) Demonstrates spatial awareness and knowledge of safety rules.
I can show how to safely change direction when moving.
I can keep my eyes forward during tag games.
I can change direction safely.
I can show that I understand the rules of a game.
I can show how to follow the rules of the activity.
2) Demonstrates control when performing motor skills.
I can show how to dribble a ball with my hands.
I can show how to dribble a ball with my feet.
I can show how to step with the opposite foot.
I can show the ready position to catch.
I can show how to continue dribbling while standing still.
I can show how to balance when I kick the ball.
I can show how to jump and land correctly.
I can show how to balance on one foot.
I can show what speed is.
I can show what strength is.
3) Participates in physical activity to improve or maintain health-related fitness.
I can show how to stay physically active during class.
I can show how to complete a physical activity on my own.
I can explain how exercise changes my heart rate.
I can identify at least 2 healthy choices I can make a day.
2nd Grade
Students in 2nd grade will be working towards the following report card standards over time as they develop the skills listed:
1) Demonstrates spatial awareness and knowledge of safety rules.
I can show how to run in a group without bumping into others.
I can show how to use a stick or racquet safely.
I can control my body in a game.
I can explain why the rules of the game are important.
I can show how to keep a safe distance from others in a game or activity.
I can show how to use equipment safely.
I can show sportsmanship during games.
I can show how to communicate with others appropriately.
I can show how I work cooperatively with others.
I can show how to solve problems with another student or group.
2) Demonstrates control when performing motor skills.
I can keep the ball close while dribbling with my feet.
I can tell what power is.
I can tell what coordination is.
I can tell what agility is.
I can show how much force to use when throwing to a partner.
I can show how much force to use when kicking to a partner.
I can show how to control a ball with a stick.
I can show how to shoot a basketball.
I can stand sideways when striking an object.
I can show proper hand position while catching a ball at different heights.
I can dribble with my finger pads apart.
I can push the ball while dribbling a basketball.
I can show how to stand when shooting a basketball.
I can explain how to balance.
I can point my opposite shoulder to my target when throwing.
I can put my arms out to the side while jumping rope.
I can tell what reaction time is.
3) Participates in physical activity to improve or maintain health-related fitness.
I can show how to become more flexible.
I can tell what endurance is.
I can identify a part of fitness that my class needs to improve.
I can create a health goal with my class.
I can show how to pace myself during a 2 minute jog.
3rd Grade
Students in 3rd grade will be working towards the following report card standards over time as they develop the skills listed:
1) Applies knowledge of movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics.
I can identify the correct steps to kick.
I can identify the correct steps to catch.
I can identify the correct steps to throw.
I can identify the correct steps to roll an object.
I can identify the correct steps to dribble with my feet.
I can identify the correct steps to dribble with my hands.
I can identify the correct steps to strike an object.
I can identify the correct steps to run.
I can identify the correct steps to balance.
I can explain the rules of the game we are playing.
I can demonstrate why to play by the rules of the game we are playing.
I can move through space while avoiding other players and equipment.
I can explain the consequences for being unsafe.
I can identify my role in a group.
I can explain how to appropriately participate in a group activity.
I can explain what we are trying to achieve in the task we are working on.
I can explain the rules of the game we are playing.
I can demonstrate how to be safe.
2) Demonstrates control when performing motor skills.
I can stop an object and strike it in a new direction.
I can roll a ball in a straight line.
I can demonstrate how to use equipment correctly and safely.
I can demonstrate passing to an open teammate during various games.
I can demonstrate how to control my body in a game.
I can maintain a consistent rhythm while jumping rope.
3) Participates in physical activity to improve or maintain health-related fitness.
I can demonstrate active participation in class activities.
I can explain how activity affects my heart rate.
I can identify the health-related fitness components.
I can demonstrate active participation in a group activity.
I can identify what component of health-related fitness I need to improve.
I can demonstrate active participation in class activities.
4th Grade
Students in 4th grade will be working towards the following report card standards over time as they develop the skills listed:
1) Applies knowledge of movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics.
I can explain why the rules of the game keep us safe.
I can demonstrate how to follow the rules independently.
I can explain how my actions in class make others more successful.
I can demonstrate how to work with a partner.
I can identify the correct steps to jump and land.
I can identify the correct steps to shoot a ball.
2) Demonstrates control when performing motor skills.
I can point my plant foot in the direction of my target when I kick.
I can catch a ball that is not directly thrown to me.
I can kick a ball that is moving.
I can control a ball and dribble it in a game setting.
I can stop an object and strike it in a new direction.
I can catch a ball in a triple threat position.
I can demonstrate proper upper body form while running at different speeds.
I can demonstrate how to catch and throw.
I can demonstrate how to run and dribble.
3) Participates in physical activity to improve or maintain health-related fitness.
I can demonstrate how to control my breathing during recovery.
I can explain how my breathing gradually lowers my heart rate.
I can identify the component of fitness used in an activity.
I can explain how to check my pulse manually.
I can demonstrate how to read a heart rate monitor.
I can identify the component of fitness used in an assessment.
5th Grade
Students in 5th grade will be working towards the following report card standards over time as they develop the skills listed:
1) Applies knowledge of movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics.
I can shoot a basketball with the BEEF principle.
I can demonstrate moving to an open space when on offense during a game.
I can explain what areas are most important to defend in a game.
I can create an offensive or defensive plan with my teammates.
I can identify the benefits of having a quick reaction time.
I can identify the benefits of increased power.
I can identify the goal I am working toward with my partner/small group.
I can explain how my partner/group and I agreed on our goal and plan of action.
I can demonstrate how to appropriately participate with my partner/group.
2) Demonstrates control when performing motor skills.
I can catch and throw in one motion.
I can demonstrate how to do a running kick.
I can demonstrate how to dribble and pass with my hands.
I can demonstrate how to dribble and shoot.
I can demonstrate how to run and throw.
I can demonstrate how to guard someone on another team.
3) Participates in physical activity to improve or maintain health-related fitness.
I can demonstrate how to check my pulse manually.
I can demonstrate how to find my resting heart rate.
I can identify my heart rate zone.
I can identify the intensity level needed to sustain or improve my fitness level during physical activity.
I can demonstrate how to write a goal that improves fitness level.
I can identify the skill-related fitness components.
I can describe the component of fitness used in a movement.
I can demonstrate the appropriate fitness component to improve my performance in an activity.
6th - 8th Grades
Middle school students attend Physical Education classes every day in order to further develop their movement skills, teamwork, and physical fitness. During one quarter each year, middle school students join a Health class that incorporates physical activity but has a larger focus on nutrition, drug and alcohol awareness, personal and social responsibility, and self-management skills.
Fitness Tests (3rd - 8th)
All P.E. classes in AHSD25 participate in the FitnessGram® assessment which measures health-related fitness for youth. The FitnessGram health-related fitness assessment offers multiple tests to measure aerobic capacity, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility. The FitnessGram assessment provides a measure of good health as opposed to athletic ability. Students are assessed using the following test items:
- One-Mile Run (Grades 3-8)
- Push-Up (Grades 3-8)
- Curl-Up (Grades 3-8)
- Back-Saver Sit and Reach (Grades 3-8)
Note: Students in Kindergarten through 2nd grade may participate in these activities in order to practice the skills involved.
For more on the FitnessGram, visit our Assessment page.
Health (5th - 8th)
Students in AHSD25 also engage in Health education programming provided by Candor Health Education. These Health programs provide students with developmentally appropriate information regarding their sexual health. The Candor Health Education website has links to more information on the various programs they offer, as well as additional parent resources. An overview of the programs taught by Candor Health Education in AHSD25 schools is below.
In 5th grade, students participate in the following:
Substance Abuse Prevention - Foundations outlines different types of substances including alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, inhalants and medicines and their impact on the brain and body. Students will begin learning refusal and coping skills.
Puberty I - Understanding Changes is presented in a unique female-only and male-only format for puberty education. This unit compares female and male reproductive anatomy and introduces the physiological changes that occur during adolescence.
Human Reproduction and Embryology teaches reproductive science. This unit starts with a brief review of puberty content then focuses on the homologous nature of the female and male anatomy. Candor Health Education provides students the scientific explanation of fertilization and what is needed to create new life. Additionally, this unit explores how the social emotional skills of negotiation and teamwork can be helpful in navigating the ups and downs of puberty and the increased independence and responsibility that comes with adolescence.
In 8th grade, students participate in Teen Sexual Health 1 which covers:
Fundamentals of the male and female reproductive anatomy
The social, emotional, mental, and physical development of adolescents
Definitions of biological sex, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation
Discussion of abstinence being the safest and healthiest lifestyle choice
Body image, media influences, sexting, and healthy communication
The negative consequences of risk-taking behaviors including teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections
Each year, a parent information night is hosted by the district for parents of 5th and 8th grade students to see all the materials that will be used during these programs. For more information, please contact the Middle School Physical Education Coordinator.
Students in an enhanced physical education program spend at least 50% of class time in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA), focus on physical activity and achieving each student’s personal best, emphasize teamwork and cooperation, and utilize a broader wellness approach in order to develop lifelong skills for physical activity and nutrition.