• Overview

    Physical Education is provided for all students in AHSD25 starting in Kindergarten and continuing through their 8th grade year. The overall aim of Physical Education in AHSD25 is to develop students' fundamental movement skills within a variety of developmentally appropriate game, dance, and gymnastic activities. The program will also enhance students' personal fitness and provides them with the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in a variety of physical activities. The program also aims to develop students' personal and social responsibility, self-management skills, and problem solving-skills. The overall goal of this program is to enhance students' disposition toward leading a physically active lifestyle.

    In addition to Physical Education, students also engage in Health education programming. 5th and 8th grade students learn about sexual health through programs lead by Candor Health Education specialists. In middle school, students engage in a Health class that focuses on nutrition, drug and alcohol awareness, personal and social responsibility, and self-management skills.

  • Standards

    Illinois State Standards on Physical Development & Health outline learning in the following areas: movement skills; physical fitness; team-building; health promotion, prevention, and treatment; human body systems; and communications and decision-making. The Illinois Learning Standards for Physical Development and Health were developed using National Standards for Physical Education, National Health Education Standards, the 1985 State Goals for Physical Development and Health, and other states' standards and local outcomes from Illinois school districts.

  • Instruction

    All Kindergarten through 5th grade students experience Physical Education classes. Kindergarten students attend one 30 minute P.E. class each week. Students in grades 1-5 attend two 30 minute P.E. classes each week. Students participate in a variety of developmentally appropriate games and sports throughout the year with a focus on skill development, teamwork, and physical fitness. Elementary P.E. teachers also incorporate learning experiences to develop students’ understanding of nutrition, body systems, conflict resolution, and decision making.

  • Kindergarten

  • 1st Grade

  • 2nd Grade

  • 3rd Grade

  • 4th Grade

  • 5th Grade

  • 6th - 8th Grades

  • Fitness Tests (3rd - 8th)

  • Health (5th - 8th)

  • Students in an enhanced physical education program spend at least 50% of class time in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA), focus on physical activity and achieving each student’s personal best, emphasize teamwork and cooperation, and utilize a broader wellness approach in order to develop lifelong skills for physical activity and nutrition.